The Only Way Out

I was led to Vernon Howard decades ago. I was given signs that led me there and kept me there. He was extraordinarily tough; people either recognized his wisdom and stayed or were offended by him and left in a huff.

I find that having followed his teachings, I now can see right through people, including myself. For we are all “the people we talk about.” We are one in every aspect; we are good and evil intermingled. And when he used the word “evil,” he meant mechanical.

Jesus counseled people to come out from among them. Vernon did the same and I have tried my best to do this. The bottom line is that my social life dropped away a long time ago. I know who I am and where I am going, as long as I remain true to myself.

Four or five people commented on my essay yesterday. Is that enough to keep writing? Well, Jesus said that when two or more people are gathered in his name, there he would be. So the handful that read me are in good company. We know that we don’t have anything to recommend us, for we have seen through ourselves.

My job as a writer is to keep the flow going. I am, however, going to post fewer essays during the summer. I will use the time to recharge my batteries. My essays can be accessed through the blog; feel free to browse.

My message is essentially the same. Become who you are, bloom where you are planted and keep on keeping on. Read the Book of John with your inner eyes open and let it teach you as if Jesus was talking straight to you because He was. You see, time is not an issue when it comes to the eternal verities; time is just a marker and nothing more.

We are those that are not afraid to see how bad off we are; the only way out is to admit that we need higher help than our crazy minds. And rest assured, the help will come.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. I’m always in need of higher help. I cannot navigate this world by myself. What a wonderful way to end this essay Vicki….with truth and hope.


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