Don’t Tell Your Truth

Don’t tell your truth or you will be burned at the stake. That is not what happened in the past; it is what happens today. At the hands of society you will die, not having ever lived. If you leave society, you will be abandoned to your own confusion. Left without a home or family or friends.
Do not think this is not happening to you every day. Subliminally. Under the surface. Hidden.

No positive thinking will deliver you because it is created by the mind. And what the mind creates can be undone. Toss out every book you have on positive thinking. It has gotten you nowhere.

Be the mess you secretly know yourself to be. Get witnesses if you must. Let people tell you how wrong and misguided you are. Invite them to condemn you. That is what Jesus did.

Jesus was the light of the world yet He was killed. But not really. When you follow in His footsteps, you will be crucified. And you will rise. But not literally, never literally. Figuratively, metaphorically, allegorically.

It has happened to to me twice. I rose both times. And will again. The third time is a charm. Put down your books and pay attention to the misery that remains inside of you. This is the greatest blessing you can give the world.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. The last 2 sentences of this post hit the bullseye. Wow, yes I have been through 2 extreme Dark Nights myself. There is no escaping your deep pain. And by going there you do become a gift to all.💜🕊


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