“The first casualty of war is the loss of innocence.”
I made a delicious pot of soup for dinner and ate two bowls. The painter is coming tomorrow and I walked around to the front porch and saw broken egg shells by the crape myrtle tree. At the base of the tree there was a very tiny nest from which the eggs had been stolen.
I called Rob out to take a look and he remembers seeing what looked like a cowbird in the garage. They steal other birds’ nests and maybe it was responsible.
I thought of Putin stealing Ukraine’s nest and murdering her innocent people and claiming victory. What kind of a sick person does things like that?
It is turning spring in our part of the globe and everything is greening and flowering. In Ukraine there is blood and there are orphans and widows left to deal with the aftermath of an unjust war.
Silence. Mourning. Moving on. The inevitability of it all….
Vicki Woodyard
That is sobering Vicki and frighteningly accurate The state of the world hangs in the balance and we can feel it’s trembling.
Peace for today dear friend,