An Ordinary Life

“Living an ordinary life is the path to self-discovery.” Brendan Feeley

I cherish my ordinary life. I love it when the day beckons me to live it simply and as consciously as I can. A man came out to survey my deck, which needs repainting. He also will replace lots of boards on the house that birds have damaged. Cedar houses are costly to maintain. We didn’t know this when we bought one!

I have had good honest workmen and bad dishonest ones, so at the beginning of each new project I get quite anxious.

But April in Atlanta is a gorgeous month, what with dogwood trees and azaleas in full flower.

Rob may meet my sister in Memphis next month and that will give me a chance to work on the book. I have to have uninterrupted silence to get anything done.

Silence graces my life, but in sporadic amounts. We have to leap at the chance to benefit from it, do we not?

Last night I was swept up in bad dreams. They featured me being lost, questioned by the police and having an argument with my mother. Honestly, I don’t have many good dreams.

Ordinary life gives us healthy food, a bit of exercise and time to entertain ourselves in whatever way we choose. I am sitting in front of my new TV; that’s what I am doing….

Vicki Woodyard


  1. Oh the dreamworld does hold strange adventures and misadventures. The “being lost” dreams always leaves an anxious, restless hangover. Thankfully, they are just dreams.

    I’m happy and excited that you’re writing number 7!! As for today…relax and enjoy Atlanta in the spring!


  2. The ordinary life is the best for us — especially when we want it and accept it whole-heartedly. April and May are beautiful months just to view nature’s splendor. Enjoying that is one of the great simple pleasures. Have a lovely day. Love and peace to you.


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