Our Only Hope

April is a glorious month! Everything is taking baby steps or wild strides into shades of green. Even my yard looks tender and juicy. I could eat it….not!

I made a new salad recipe this morning with chickpeas, cucumbers, red onion, bell pepper, tomatoes and a dressing with oil and vinegar. Also made an appointment to get my Covid booster tomorrow.

I am taking a look back at what I used to post on Facebook; lots of funny stuff in those days. I will somehow put them to use in the seventh book. Right now it seems a long way down the road, but I am known to jump and leap into the void when I write, so who knows?

The world news is dire. We tend to forget global warming when we see the devastation happening in Ukraine, but it is nevertheless our future. Mankind is responsible for its own devastation.

Give up all hope of people getting their acts together; only awakening can change things and that is the last thing that people want. They prefer entertainment, division and a low level of consciousness.

It is too late to keep autocracy from taking over. Democracy is losing because there are more liars than truth tellers!

Let us lose graciously and return to a one-on-one relationship with God.

It is our only hope.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. That salad sounds delicious!! Yes, even my corner of the world at this moment seems fresh and green….and it feels hopeful, but the long view down the road is looks dark. We all know why and who really cares? Evil is going strong and the scales are tipping and not in the favor of the righteous. Eventually things reverse and/or even out… always trends and epochs cycling, but who will be around to witness the fresh and green of a world renewing? Of hope and peace and love abiding?

    I look forward to book 7! Especially if some of your wit flavors it! And I will ask God to help me see what he wants me to see and thank him for the goodness he has given.

    Vicki, thank you for the truth.


    1. Yes, the liars outnumber the truth tellers; it has ever been thus. Jesus:”My kingdom is not of this world.” Indeed

      “In the world ye shall have tribulation, but I have overcome the world.”

      Everything is upside down and backwards and nothing man says is final, as the opposites rule the world.


  2. I am in Australia- beautiful autumn weather here. My husband is frequently in despair at watching our current lead up to an election. It really upsets him, understandably. The lies, as you say. It makes me realise I have already given up in a way, I do believe things are going to continue to go downhill, largely because of climate change, but we could still do something about that if we wanted to- the powers that be do not. My job is to keep cleaning the internal mirror, I guess, and live the best life I can under the circumstances. Thanks for your writings, they are always refreshingly to the point.


    1. The world is tending toward autocracy and I feel the USA is on its way there. Evil has prevailed on the planet many times over, while the good seemingly sit back and do nothing. Climate change just adds to the mess. It is not bad to see the truth, Susan. We must continue to do our inner work, as you say.


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