Our Daily Work

Our daily work is to remember what needs to be remembered. This is a difficult job because we are sleeping human beings. We do everything in a state of hypnotism. This is what the Work teaches. If you do not agree, you are not ready to do any serious inner work.

The job of a teacher is to tell it like it is. That is what Vernon Howard did and I, for one, appreciated his dedication to honesty.

Writing is perhaps the only talent given to me at birth; that is why it is so easy to write of things which I do not yet fully understand!

I am just like you, thrilled when there is a teasing taste of worldly approval. It can just as easily turn into disapproval, because that is how the world works.

In the higher world, there is only truth with a capital “T.” Christ personified this and His Word is still alive today, but it is only alive within. The outer world will always be a hellish domain, make no mistake about that.

Most of my days are just alike. I do my work so I can sit alone in silence. Sometimes it is hard, but usually I relish this time. Words fall away and so does time. All measurements fall away in the face of eternity.

Yes, eternity is right now. Where else would it be?

Vicki Woodyard


  1. I’m so glad the higher world only accepts Truth! What a relief to be without the BS. This is a reward for doing the “work”. Thank you Vicki for telling it like it is!



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