
We live in such dangerous and deadly times that it is hard to see clearly what our job in the universe is. We try to keep informed about the war in Ukraine and can see how Putin is ramping up the carnage. Who knows what will happen next? The Work teaches that everything happens in the only way that it can happen. This leaves free will out of it.

Maybe our job is to be present with all of it. That takes a bit of awareness but it is worth the insight to stop and breathe consciously for as long as you can.

The next step is to offer gratitude, whether it is justified or not.

Already things are changing in your little piece of the puzzle.

You can now let go of all negativity.

Alchemy sees to it that you are rewarded for doing these simple things.

Good Friday has passed and Jesus is in the tomb and we are grieving.

We sit and wait for the resurrection (our very own).

Tomorrow we will realize that we have been watching a passion play and none of it was real.

Life is one story after another and we are playing all the parts.

Breathe. That is all you have to do.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. Thanks Vicki for clarifying our options of what our job(s) is/are in the universe. I choose D….all of the above! We are only human and can do nothing but follow our inner, heart instincts. Peel back the layers of ego to the real you and abide there….easier said than done in this world, but we can try!

    Hope your day is lovely friend,


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