We think it is good to keep up with the news. If it is bad, we feel dismay and if it’s good, we feel better. But this is not the path of a sincere spiritual student.
We pride ourselves that we are on the right team and we call our opponents wrong. That is a sure sign that we ourselves are wrong.
Go back to the words of awakened men and women:
“My kingdom is not of this world.” ~Jesus
“I vow to relieve the suffering of all sentient beings.”~ Kwan Yin
I can’t remember what Buddha said, but I am sure he stood with Christ and Kwan Yin.
How did I get into this mess? By watching and listening to the media and right-wing politicians.
The mind is so easily kidnapped and then it becomes quite self-righteous.
That is the situation. What is the solution?
Sadly, it is not one we choose to use because we feel it will rob us of being right.
Above the opposites of right and wrong lie the solution to all of our judgmental minds.
How do we arrive at the still point? In only one way and that is by seeing how judging deprives us of peace. Clear seeing how miserable being right makes us….
Yes, there is a war and a deep political divide in our country. Should we let this destroy our peace?
If the answer is yes, we will continue to feel dismay. Did Jesus advice us to hate our enemies?
If you don’t know the answer, an uncomfortable silence will do.
Vicki Woodyard
All that you’ve written makes great sense to me. Being “right ” for me, was never a big deal. I have always wanted the truth and if I found myself on the wrong side of that, I adjusted my thoughts. But I do see how that mindset of “I’m right” can be an anchor. Study any cult and it’s history and you’ll see the demise of individual souls.
Good luck at your appointment Vicki.
“Study any cult and it’s history and you’ll see the demise of individual souls.” So true. “Attack and defend” become the norm.
Thank you for this booster shot. I stewed for an hour the other night writing very angry emails to my state’s senators, but I did not send them because it was just me venting and the message was not coming from a clean place. I wanted to feel superior to their smug and hypocritical stances and I just knew sending those messages would not make me feel better. I never came up with a solution to my dilemma, so just dropped it till a better inspiration appears.
I like you, I stew in my own juices, seeing our country being in danger of becoming an autocracy. However, that puts me in a mechanical state as opposed to a conscious one. And I prefer the latter.