Something Is Wrong and We All Know It

I have been writing for so long now. I began writing about my own private heartache and losses. Now it feels to me like loss is the order of the day on Planet Earth. When one man in charge of one country can kill thousands of people and ruin thousands of lives all because he is a “dictator.” Is there not some way to stop the carnage in Ukraine? Is there not a way to save the planet from climate change?

I grew up in a more peaceful time on the planet. As time has gone by, evil has ascended until it is pushing away good. Evil is murdering the good. Mother Earth is weeping as her children die in bloody war zones.

Politicians are no longer concerned with better lives for their constituents. They have been bought by companies and thus people mean less and less to them. Once people had rich and interesting lives. Once a person’s word meant something. Once upon a time.

I have watched Donald Trump goad his followers into storming the Capitol while he walks free! He fooled them into doing it by calling them patriots. What a disgusting man he is and he, like Putin, is apparently made of Teflon.

The way I have survived my losses is by studying truth. And I am a seer of sorts. I see clearly that man is a machine. Like Pinocchio, he must become human; it is not a given.

I do not think that anyone wins when murderers prowl the streets, countries and continents. We have become “the most dangerous game,” as the story goes.

We can only wake up one by one and I for one choose a higher consciousness than the one we are handed at birth. Self-development is the only answer and few there be that seek it.

The words of Christ are simple and powerful: “Suffer the little children to come unto me, for such is the kingdom of heaven.” It takes a lifetime to become like a little child and it is not too late to start.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. Yes Vicki, individuals one by one waking up is the only way. Whether it turns the tide for the whole or not, we must save our souls. Some have actually sold their souls to evil and for what? There is no gain for them; only pain and suffering for all except for murderous dictators, wannabe imitators and power hungry madmen.

    “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”
    ~Jimi Hendrix~

    Very apropos Vicki for the state of these times.


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