A New Day

A New Day

“I feel that we’re all lighthouses, and my job is to shine my light as brightly as I can to the darkness.” – Jim Carrey

I woke up this morning, had breakfast and came in here to the Mac. I’ve been off for ten days and have had time to consider which way the wind is blowing as far as the blog is concerned. Eighty-five people are signed up, but only about ten or fifteen percent actually read it as far as I know.

I have gotten to know some of you intimately over the years, but others do not comment or support the blog. This leads me to the conclusion that I shall post less as time goes on. I have said before that because the blog is not indexed, new readers do not come.

The war is raging and it may become World War III. At that point the planet will probably be doomed to mass murders anywhere and everywhere the war rages. Putin is a mad man and is not interested in peace, only brutal conquest.

You would think that if one man was the cause of so much carnage that he could be constrained; apparently there is no hope for that, so the war will rage on. He is Hitler personified.

I have come to know that I am the Self in all beings because we are only reflections in the eye of God. The persona, or False Self, is interested in shiny trinkets and vain struggles to be best and first in the eyes of others. Church is not where you find God; He is everywhere and nowhere, omniscient and all-powerful.

There is really nothing to do but watch the show and it is a horror film right now. I do not hold out much hope of this war ending without perilous damage to the planet. All we can do is live one day at a time as witnesses to the carnage.

We are not very good at love. If we were, this world would have changed by now. (My kingdom is not of this world.) Food for thought in the midst of what many are experiencing as their last days of freedom.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. Oh how tragic and true your words are today dear Vicki. We will bear witness has the world fades away and only offer prayers for peace.

    Peace to you friend,


  2. All Love, hugs in Gratitude – indeed for me You are the warmest most ‘solid’ Light of Friendship – by Your love-strong words and when silence speaks enriching my spirit, giving courage and stability – by Your blessed fields wide and far blooming in Your splendid ever so fresh and keen thought-flowers. So much is grown by Your Offerings, thousands of serene, light bright soul-rays shining far and wide, unending and eternal for all to see, bringing healing – for all to receive. Thank You so much – do be in comfort. Best wishes and wellbeing for all the Life is Yours ……take it easy dearest friend – with Greetings to Your son…from the Swiss mountains….


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