A Brief Hiatus

Dear Friends,

I am taking at least a week off after a dental implant on Thursday. It all depends on how fast I heal.

I will have to keep ice on my face for a few days.

It is good to rest from writing and I don’t do it nearly often enough.

I can’t eat anything hot or anything that isn’t soft, so I shall miss hot coffee!

After a week or so I will be getting back to normal.

In the meantime, love to all of you.



  1. All the best to you. Heal well. Enjoy the change in diet. Relax during your time off. I will look forward to your return. Blessings,


  2. Absolutely have your time for healing, relaxing and quiet meditating. You will be refreshed; and we will be rejoiced when we see your posts once again. Love and peace to you!!


    1. Dear Ruth, your comment did show up; it is just that I didn’t see it until now and I have to personally approve each post. Sometimes I may not reply if you say something that
      doesn’t need a reply, but your comment will still show up.


Comments welcomed....