The truth cannot be taught to the masses; their sleep is too deep to give truth a chance. Only individuals can wake up to the fact that they do not exist as individuals!
The church is where good people go to sleep and there they dream that they are saved. There they are taught to believe in a savior outside of themselves.
I have often felt a social guilt about not attending church, especially where I live and am known to a few. But the soul determines our voyage through life and mine is seeking the bottom line.
Losing a child made me a social pariah. I sensed that I was not to talk about it, lest I profane the loss by making light of it. So the words you read from me are not necessarily conducive to trying to ride two horses at once.
I have been in touch with a handful of people about what it is like to go on living when you have buried a little one. They all know the truth—that this loss changed them forever.
So I begin living a different kind of life and it continues to this day. It is simple, honest and isolated. I prefer my own company to most other people’s, for they cannot meet me where I am.
I study truth until it is running over and still I fall down, break down and pursue the world once again. At some point I realize I have gone far from home and so I return to my solitary pleasures.
I sit in silence a lot, but I am also enjoying my new smart TV!
I walk a bit and stretch a bit and try to put on any extra weight.
But always the truth is prompting me to grow in grace and knowledge of the Supreme Spirit. In it, all things are made new.
We all have a lot on our plate and today is the day to be born again, as the spirit is the most nutritious substance we can imbibe. Drink of the spirit and watch the water change into wine.
Vicki Woodyard
Your last two paragraphs held a bit of poetry and it felt like sustenance. Your talk of attending church….I feel the same way. Somehow I have always known that God lived in me. Church was a curiosity that I experimented with many years ago. I was looking for the answers to my burning questions in a place that I was told was God’s house. I instinctively knew that the answers were not to be found in any human construct, but also thinking social edicts might have held some unknown benefit. In the end, there was nothing for me there.
Thank you for this today. Peace and love,
I have been online reading some of Jung’s one-liners and he counsels us to do our own research on our feelings. As best I understand it, both of us have a deep enough faith in our own instincts to honor them, at least some of the time. I spent five years in a women’s group that studied spirituality and I saw that it was a dead end for me. I needed to drink right from the rock, if that makes any sense. It is a lonely journey but a necessary one for some of us.