It’s Feedback Time

It’s Feedback Time

I posted an essay today and got little response and I am wondering why. Never mind; I am going to paste it into this blank space, saying to each of you as individuals, haven’t you had enough?

It is so hard to accept that human nature has not evolved in any deep and lasting way. To view the scenes of this Putin-caused war is to question everything we know.

If the war is caused by just one man, why can’t this one man be captured? Why is the rest of the world allowing this carnage to continue? To see beautiful Ukraine and its people amid the smoking ruins. To hear of children dying for the sake of one mad despot.

We in America have our own despot that would like to establish an autocracy with him at the helm. Really? Some of you support him?

We have had Auschwitz and now we have Ukraine at the mercy of an evil dictator. Have we not learned anything? The clumsy tanks and the camp wear of the soldiers; this does not bespeak an advanced civilization.

We in America have had to put up with Trump instigating an insurrection, only to find out that our government is too weak to hold him accountable. Oh, it may do so in time, but now is the only time anyone ever has.

Trump has called Putin “genius.” We all saw the photos of the two of them; Trump acting like a giddy school girl over him. What is wrong with America that we allow this?

Most of you already know that our school boards are packed with Republican diehards; this does not bode well for the country. And we have the Greenes and the Boeberts and the Gatzes’ to deal with. We are putting up with people and events that should have been quashed a long time ago. The aforementioned people favor autocracy and America is a democracy, as is Ukraine. We have our own mess to clean up, sadly.

No more lax laws, dear America. Our freedom depends on people that have inner values and will not let despots go unpunished.

Enough is enough is enough.

Vicki Woodyard

Please share this for those of us in need of more light than darkness. The darkness is winning, but all that can change if we look into our own hearts and say to the evil in this world, “Enough is enough!”


  1. Gurdjieff warned his students about the disease of “tomorrow”, which might just as well have been called the disease of “someday”. So we are forced collectively to wait for Godot. And wait. And witness carnage, desensitizing us to horror and paving the way for even more. Thank you for your writing.


    1. You put it well, Ken. I feel that the worst is yet to come in America. Violence lies just under the surface. There is a local ad running where Trump sneers at our former governor,
      calling him a RINO. You can feel the threat in his snarl. The waiting now is about convicting Trump. If that happens, and we all hope it does, more violence will erupt, since he is training people for just that.


  2. Feedback is very important — especially regarding the serious peril of our country. Ukraine and its people are being bombed. There are growing numbers of Trump’s angry army — they gain strength with new angry members and each time there is no one held accountable for their horrendous actions. I believe there is to be a civil suit against Kyle Rittenhouse for his killing of another person. The judge of his criminal hearing was anything but a fair judge. Of course, Kyle has been rewarded with a type of crowning as if he was a prince. Bad is good. Darkness is light. There are every day battles just dealing with projections and opposites of reality; and it is difficult to keep one’s strength. However, know we can never rely on our strength. In our weaknesses, God is our strength — and their is no power greater.


    1. I don’t see a way out of the current darkness reigning on Planet Earth. There may well come a time when even our country is vanquished, perhaps by China, who may be the strongest country of them all. What we must do as individuals is focus on our inner work and subsequent light. Some are already being called to provide food and shelter, but light is the greatest need. May God’s will be done. He is the final judge.


  3. Yes Vicki what is happening is disgusting. What I see in myself in a more harmless and subtle way is that after all my years of seeking, I still find myself hankering for some future event or state of peace and satisfaction. The mind anyways wanting more — you name it — power, money, prestige, sex, etc. Thinking it is somewhere, sometime in the future. The nature of the mind — Putin‘s, Trump‘s, mine and yours.


  4. Hi Vicki, you so capture what I have been thinking with regards to the state of the world! Watching it unfold is horrifying and yet I have to trust that there is a grander plan in place…otherwise I don’t know how else to process this. Please keep writing for your words help me connect to the higher spirit. Peace


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