The Truth Is Hard to Come By

The truth is hard to come by in this world, which is a shadow play of reality. Once you see that this is true, you will inevitably become a different person.

Often tragedy can wake us up when otherwise we would still be sleep-walking through our days.

Sometimes you will focus only on the grit, not realizing that a pearl is in the making.

Peace and wisdom are never easily granted to anyone, for they are not inevitable. Keep toiling away at the truth, knowing that it lies above the ego and the intellect.

Just look at President Zelenskyy of Ukraine. He had his time in the limelight, dancing like a dream, making people laugh, all pleasantries in the face of his time on the world stage.

Now we see a true man in the making rather than a Ukrainian celebrity. His presence on the world stage is moving and inspiring. We cheer for him and his countrymen.

He is making a pearl of himself and all that are fighting so bravely to save their country.

Putin is a madman; he doesn’t know about pearls and their pricelessness. That is because he deals in lies, not truth.

Lean not unto your own understanding and see how the world is offering you a chance to grow beyond the concept of evil versus good. No! That will keep you on the intellectual level. Choose instead to rise above the opposites and simply see what is in front of your inner eyes. It is invisible and untainted by the human war, which is always ongoing.

You embody the truth; you are the truth. Evil is the only illusion. No man can stand long when he forgets that this is so.

Peace to Ukraine.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. I really love how you said Zelenskyy is making a pearl of himself. So true and beautifully spoken. He is a true hero of the heart. Lovely!!


    1. I can’t name anyone like him in modern times. He was born for this role and God willing, Ukraine will continue to stand strong under his leadership.


  2. I agree with you and Joanne about Zelensky. The world needs his example of heart filled strength and truth right now. We need to witness his and Ukraine ‘s steadfast commitment to peace. We’ve witnessed enough evil in these last so many years. Any attention to love and truth is better than no attention to love and truth.

    Peace to all.


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