A Vital Question

Yesterday was interesting. I asked Rob to drive me to T. J. Maxx and Marshalls. I wanted to get some spring clothes. I hadn’t been there since the pandemic began. In the past I called this “going to the bazaar,” because I could pick up clothing and also food and other items.

The store was, to me, a disaster. It is known for its lack of order, but they had nothing in the clothing department that would even vaguely work for me. I came out of the stores with only some cookies and fudge.

Later that afternoon I ordered some pants and tops online. I told Rob I had no interest I going back to look for clothes there. It had changed in the past two years. But so have I. I have put on a few extra pounds and did not like the way I looked in the mirror.

Rob went to play Trivia with friends and I settled down to watch a movie. The one I chose was about a bus driver who wrote poetry. Adam Driver was the main character and it moved extremely slow. It showed him doing the same thing day after day. He got up in the morning, ate and went to drive his bus. After work he went to the same bar for one drink and went home to his wife. He carried a notebook to write poems in.

I realized that my life was the same way, with its routine of writing and keeping house. It seems monotonous, but consider what is happening in Ukraine. There is no minutiae for their people. The siege they are under has taken the freedom of eating slowly and getting dressed in what they want to wear. Now it is just war and nothing but war.

America is also in trouble. The autocratic Republicans are pro-Russian because they do not want Biden to succeed, so they are placing the blame on him. I tell you, folks, we here in America dare not ever take our freedom for granted again.

Ukraine is dazzling, not in the bombed out country that it is today, but in the bravery of its people. Here in America the time may soon come for a civil war, all because Trump did not want to lose. His ragtag band could take America down if we let it. There is nothing they would like better than for the Democratic Party to disappear, leaving them with but one party, the party of Donald J. Trump. Are we really going to allow this to happen?

Vicki Woodyard


  1. We are full on into the Pluto return for the US. The next 2 to 3 years are going to be a big death and rebirth for this country. May the light overcome all of this dark insanity here in this country. Pluto is never gentle, so hold onto your hats!
    Sorry I have not commented much lately Vicki, but I have been taking classes and very focused on other things. I still read most of your blogs and I love your writing. Namaste🙏🥰


    1. Yes, Joanne, I pray you are right about the rebirth of our country, as it is, the Republicans have way too much vitriol they are dispensing. Lies, lies and more lies. I feel called to write the truth about the current state of affairs. Just listened to McConnell bashing Biden. We used to hold together as a united front. But the Republicans cannot bring themselves to do this.


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