Yesterday I said that I would explain how the vow of Kwan Yin can help us. The vow brings us out of the divided mind, that’s how!
If you will stay awake while you say this: I vow to relieve the suffering of all sentient beings, you will see that you cannot think while you are saying the vow. That is because it is a vow that lies above the opposites.
The opposites are on the mental level. We are so used to going there that we seldom visit our very own higher awareness.
There is a potent prayer to say as well: Lord, Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner.” It is known as the Jesus prayer, although anyone can benefit from saying it.
These cosmic statements unite the sleeping parts of us with the wakeful one.
When you catch yourself fretting about events, repeat the vow of Kwan Yin or say the Jesus prayer.
Peace is embedded in both of them.
Vicki Woodyard
I have used the Jesus prayer many times. If my memory is reliable, peace often surrounded me without and within — and often after some excruciating struggle (both without and within — where it always is). There were definitely times that the divided mind won. The vow of Kwan Yin is new to me; and I shall start using it as well. We need to be brought out of our divided mind innumerable times of the day. Thank you, Vicki. Namaste.
The reason they work is that they rise above the opposites of the thinking mind. Of course we forget all day long. But we persevere