There is a big international mess because there is a big internal mess within every individual. Wars happen because there are individuals with the biggest internal messes. Of course they do not see this because they are asleep!
They make war, not love. They use cruelty as a weapon. They have no problem starving people to advance their political agendas.
What can we, who are trying to wake up, do with those who have chosen sleep? First, we can notice that emotional reactions are triggered right now all over the world. That starts in our own consciousness and spreads out into the world consciousness. A tiny ripple becomes a tsunami.
Having been faced with the pandemic for two years, the world now will have to contend with Vladimir Putin. What is happening in Ukraine will have an effect on world consciousness.
So those of us on the path must ask ourselves, how can I maintain pure awareness with all of this happening? The answer is “You can’t.” All we can do is see that we fall more easily asleep and vow to work harder on staying awake.
History has lessons to teach us about how Rome fell, how autocracies arose during hard financial times and how they, too, finally fell.
The future does not look rosy to graduates today. Inflation will be a problem; the refugee problem will look impossible to fix, etc. This is because nothing happens in a vacuum.
We are all connected and if we don’t see this, it is because we are asleep most of the time.
The best thing we can do is continue our own task of seeing how asleep we are. That brings in more consciousness and that benefits the world. Never think you are too small to make a difference. The collective unconscious is real!
Kwan Yin: I vow to relieve the suffering of all sentient beings. We can adopt this vow as our very own. Love will find a way.
Vicki Woodyard
If you don’t see how the vow can help us, tomorrow I will write about that.
Well said, Vicki. War begins inside each one of us. I know this but so often forget. Thanks for the reminder.