Truth is Found Within

“Truth is found within.
And bringing it to consciousness
Is the act of creation.” ~ Paul Williams

I have no stomach for writing about war. Anyone trying to wake up sees the horror of it.

The truth within is our guide to how we approach the reality of war.

We must not get emotionally overheated (and that is something I tend to do easily.)

Our own inner work must continue just as it always has.

Take time to go over and over what our part in this conflict is. If you ask what our part is, it is to maintain our own consciousness. There is no part in which we choose sleep over awakening.

This is a brutal world, make no mistake.

But the truth knows this; it knows more than we do about war and peace.

It asks us to do nothing but see clearly.

In that clarity, we will automatically enter our own peace. Oh, we will keep losing it, but there is protection against evil when we are intent on finding it again.

There have always been wars and rumors of war.

Knowing this points us in the direction of inner peace. There is nothing new under the sun.

“All is well and all manner of things shall be exceedingly well.” Julian of Norwich

Hope rises above the horror and the “I am” awareness kicks in.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. My heart needed this message. May we see with clarity, may we stay awake and may we find the beautiful inner peace that we all have, but rarely are we aware that it is always there. Thank you so much, Vicki. Namaste!


  2. Dearest Vicki – such Kindness Awareness Simplicity and Transparency, You shine Ease and it works like the Spirit’s Manna – You always offer to us Your Healing-Hand without fail – let me thank You again and again! Greetings to both of You, to all with You – ever on…


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