The Undivided Heart

I am learning to trust the writing that I do without thought getting in the way. Why? Because thought is divided and the heart is not. The heart will feel what it is destined to feel, but thoughts are often unnecessary.

Words are symbols, after all. Most of my idle time is spent thinking and it gets me nowhere. Indecision happens because we think.

There is a true knowing that resides in all of us; it simply cannot be tricked. It is what it is, but we dare not reveal it to anyone. Don’t cast your pearls before swine.

It does not help the soul to be connected to the mind all day long. The soul has no need of thoughts; it is a knowing substance.

I love being alone with no tasks making me feel guilty.

I love my own company if I am not thinking.

Sitting within the heart chakra, I remain whole, at least for the moment.

Restlessness happens, of course. It is then I begin to overthink, overeat, overtalk, etc.

How do I deal with restlessness? I remember that I simply am.

Remembering that you exist is an interesting thing to experience.

You do not need anything in the moment.

All is well.

Goodness permeates the soul that does that.

Vicki Woodyard

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