The House
I just woke up remembering this dream, which for me is a great one. It was all about the destruction of the ego and the construction of the Father’s house, for He is the architect of the “house not built with hands.”
An architect/builder of great esteem was going to rebuild my friend’s house for free because she was ill. (In reality, she died of cancer some years ago. But in this dream she was younger but dying.) She and I were getting ready to go somewhere. I dressed in a plain top and slacks and she said they were very boring colors.
“I immediately wanted him to work on my house but I didn’t want her to know. So I put some things in an envelope to mail to him. By accident (by grace) the envelopes got mixed up and he came to my house immediately.
He began to walk the house, looking at it and telling me his vision for it. He said that due to an illness, he would be away for five or six months. He had to have some cosmetic surgery on his face that might frighten his clients. He had had cancer there. He also said that we would have to move into a rental for at least six months. As he walked, the ground around the house and inside it began to bubble up. It was a dangerous gas or leak. He called for the proper crew to come out and begin to make it safer.
My son (in the dream he was my brother) was ill and staying inside the house. He resisted leaving, but as he watched the builder, he began to get interested in what he was saying and he came out and begin to listen. Later in the dream, he began to feel better and better. The builder commented on his wit and seemed to exude love for him. My son begin to get excited about the project. He begin to help by trying to lift heavy stones and feel that he was a part of the solution.
At some point my husband (in the dream he was my father) came home and I worried that he might get in the way of the builder, but even he began to soften as he listened to the builder. He was a man that could have a biting edge, but not with the builder.
The crumbling of the house became evident. The walls were now on the ground and they were paper thin.
I told the builder that I had lost a daughter and he said he had lost a daughter who was sixteen.
He said that he had many friends and I felt it was because he was busy helping people all the time.
He wanted us to know that it would be expensive to save the house; at first he said it might be unlivable with all of these dangerous gases, but then he changed his mind. I would have to write a check for half of the estimated cost and I told him my checkbook was upstairs and I would have to figure out how to get it.
My son, as I said, was feeling better and better and the builder was sending him great vibes as he saw how interested he was in the project.
He also said that my desk would be moved to the front of the house when it was redone.
“Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it.”
The felt sense of this big dream was that it was a parable that seemed to be accidental but was actually a teaching dream for me to find substance in and be fed by. It had elements of Jungian psychology, predictions of earth changes, but the overweening feel of the dream was about the Master’s sure hand. All we had to do was leave everything to him. We would be cared for while undergoing changes that might seem devastating on a lower level, but on a higher level all would be well. Julian of Norwich: “And all manner of things shall be exceeding well.) What is the meaning of all will be well?
“This declaration that “all manner of things shall be well” does not eliminate misfortune, sickness or death. It is pointing to what all the respected wise ones say about the ability to find peace, and even joy, in the eye of the storm — to come to trust that there is something that transcends chaos and impermanence.” Julian of Norwich
Everything is available to those seeking a higher level than the ego’s clumsy interference with God’s will. All we must do is keep trusting in a higher power, the very and only thing that can transcend our human frailties.
Vicki. Woodyard
(The photo is of a tree at Gethsemane.)
WOW!!! That was an extremely powerful and wonderful dream. It was meant to be remembered in full as you awoke in the morning — and it was meant to be shared just as you did. Our egos are domineering and constantly interfere with God’s will. But as we learn that God’s will and love for us is so much greater, we accept that enveloping love and pray, “Thy will be done and Thy will is my will.” Thank you very much, Vicki. Love and peace to you.
Grateful to have been given it. Dreams like that do not come along every day.