A Drink of Living Water

Vernon Howard once said that a miracle is a state not an act. I have never forgotten that sentence. It is saying that Jesus was capable of working miracles because He was in union with God. Jesus told his disciples that they were capable of working miracles, too.

How does this apply to us, who all have the potential to be as Jesus was? I suppose that the reason we can’t work any miracles is because of our state. And our state is suppressed and denied just as He was.

We have deep subconscious drives that go against what Jesus taught. We can’t work miracles because we cannot achieve a miraculous state. Jesus was teaching spiritual law, which cannot be broken without penalties.

This law is to be aspired to and perhaps at some point actualized, but this is far from us. So a teacher like Vernon Howard pointed to what we could be but were not.

It is amazing that Jesus had even a few followers. Does this not tell us that most people do not have deep spiritual aspirations? Examine your state of being carefully. Do you not see negativity within? If you say that you do not, I would seriously question what you said.

Jesus was not afraid to reproach his disciples. At the very end, He asked them if they could not stay awake for one hour. They could not.

So the Work is about seeing clearly what we are really like. And we are mostly sound asleep. The truth is not negative; it is just the truth.

Never worry about the dry desert you are presently inhabiting. Take a drink of living water and walk on.

Vicki Woodyard


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