The Still Point

Finding peace at the still point is something that anyone can do. Why? Because it puts the mind out of commission.

Just sit quietly and focus on your breath as it goes in and out. Usually we let the mind ride roughshod over us. But sitting still and letting things be as they are brings us into union with the Self.

So many saints and sages have urged us to be still and know, not the least of which was Jesus.

Sometimes we lose the stillness altogether, but that doesn’t mean it has gone away. It means that we have gone away.

When the mind takes over, stillness is lost and mayhem steps in.

Times are terrible on the Planet Earth, for evil is on the ascent. We must do the Work or the mind will do us!

The mind is a fear monger, make no mistake.

We are cautioned not to be double-minded, allowing the opposites to pitch us back and forth on a dark stream of thoughts.

If you lose your sense of peace, it will be regained by simply sitting still. This is not easy, but it is doable. You can even let peace find you. And when it does, you will be sitting beside the still waters. Of that I am sure.

Vicki Woodyard

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