Everything is Just Happening

I woke up at 4:30 this morning and it is now seven a.m. The day stretches before me. It feels elongated, as I will be waiting for the junk truck to come and pick up my old-fashioned TV and the armoire it is sitting in.

Yesterday Rob drove me to Best Buy to look at the “new-fangled” smart TVs. We happened to get a pleasant and honest salesman. I told him that I wanted a simple interface and we started looking at different ones. Their inventory is low, due to the Olympics and the Super bowl. I settled on a 50-inch one and he said it could be swapped out for a larger one if I decided this one is too small.

My next-door neighbors just bought one which is different than the one I chose. I may go look at it today or tomorrow for comparison’s sake. I am not up on the best TVs, that’s for sure.

So what am I sure of? I draw a blank. Hmmm, outside of death and taxes, I am sure of my preference for solitude. But Rob lives with me in that solitude. If my solitude was total, I would probably feel differently. We are both introverts and our house is our haven.

But he plays Trivia with friends once a week, while I can do nothing unless he drives me. So the silence enshrouds me with peace. This peace can be easily shattered if something untoward happens. I am human and that is how life is. It just happens to us.

I need to cut back on sugar before my doctor visit in two weeks. Rob tells me that is silly because the doctor needs a true picture of what I habitually eat. And I love sweets. Yesterday I bought some dark chocolate orange sticks. They are wicked good and I ate twice as many as I should have. Before bedtime, I had a bowl of ice cream.

I learned long ago that being on the path shows you the truth. You are not taken easily in by what people say. I go by vibes and since I am not naturally sociable, few people have companionable vibes for me. I said that I liked the salesman at Best Buy. It was because he came across as honest and patient, two pluses in my book. As we left the store, Rob suggested that I tip him and I did and he was genuinely pleased. I told him that he had been most helpful and that these days, we are all under pressure and that he helped me.

So that is all the news from my Mac. I am girding myself for two men to come in and somehow get the tall armoire and heavy old TV out of the great room. Then I will be able to try a new TV. Sounds like fun, but I look within and see that fun often makes me nervous. I will just be relieved when the new set is in and I can enjoy it. Rob wants me to keep it in the box until I look at my neighbor’s and see if I like it better than the one we chose. Argh! Wish me luck….

Vicki Woodyard


  1. Good morning Vicki,
    Something tells me that you’ll be satisfied with your 50″, if your living room is no too large, but sometimes bigger is better. I’ve never heard of chocolate orange sticks…southern thing? Sounds yummy though. That was nice of you to tip your salesman. Everyone usually appreciates being appreciated. Your visiting junk men will probably come and go lickity split….then you/Rob will have to run the sweeper and dust the vacant spot! Lol.

    You’ll be tired tonight, so sleep well.


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