“I am” is the axis on which our world spins.

“I am” is the axis on which our world spins!

I write for those full to the brim with the desire to see clearly. What keeps us away from enlightenment is the mote in our own “I.”

These days I sit in silence on and off, going in and out of consciousness. No one can maintain a spotless witness, not even an Eckhart Tolle. If you are still here on the planet, you have work to do.

Repeating “I am” is a lovely activity to break up your precious little self with all of its neurotic ramblings.

There is no chart to show where you are on the Enlightenment Road.

When I get lost in thoughts and fall into a ditch and the ditch is filling up with water, I begin to say, “I am in God’s presence now.”

Peace descends but only briefly. It must be earned, maintained and, most of all, used!

Once we understand something intellectually, the emotions are often not on the same page. When heart and mind agree, we have left the state of the divided house spoken of in the Bible. We have returned to the Father’s House. We have received the royal ring and can put on the royal robe of selflessness. Sadly, we cannot stay there for long; nevertheless we must continue our inner work.

All of those reading me regularly are a household and we stick together in order not to come unglued.

Walk on, oh pilgrim soul. Walk on.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. Vicki,
    …the mote in our own “I”…brilliant! A perfectly blunt essay today and I loved it. A wonderful way to put the truth. When addressing the flaws, perspective certainly makes a difference. Thanks for the reminder to continue our work and to utilize “I am”.

    Oh, I just heard Betty White passed away today. 99! I always enjoyed her performances.

    Happy New Year friend!


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