I am at a loss for words and that is a very good thing. I say that because sitting in profound silence is enriching the soul and impoverishing the ego.
This is the eve before Christmas Eve, 2021. Events are looming politically and it is not yet completely dark in America. There is a piece of hope, but it is tattered and torn.
Rob chides me for watching too much TV about what is going on in Washington. He opts for taking long bike rides and being nurtured by the silence.
Yesterday we made a trip to Kroger and to my dismay, I didn’t find much I was looking for. He is meeting friends for lunch and then I may go to Publix with him.
On Christmas Eve we will drive around and look at Christmas lights and then have snacks. I will watch a movie and he will stay in the kitchen, channel-surfing and doing things on his phone.
Our grief is carried differently now. We used to pretend like we were managing it; now we can confess to how it has changed us. My writing sustains me; I hope it does that for you on occasion. I love not knowing what I will write next. If I knew, it would be recycled paragraphs.
I was a good child who caused no trouble. Now I truly need to be a wild child in my old age. That is a funny idea. It is only on the printed page that I can do that. Stay tuned!
I am grateful for all of you that donated to the blog in 2021. If you haven’t done so, it is not too late. I will put the link below:
I will be here all through the holidays since that is always where I am. No time off for good behavior.
Vicki Woodyard
Your writing is such a blessing to me…and very much sustaining. Not only words on a page, but thoughts from your heart. Selah.
Thank you Vicki,
You are a blessing to me as well, dear Tami.