Hashing and Rehashing

The mind is a short-order cook, hashing and rehashing the ego’s seemingly real problems. Eggs are never sunny-side up, for some reason. And the bacon is always burned. Yet we eat the ego’s menu, which tastes like nothing so much as sautéed cardboard.

Being stingy, the ego never tips or offers to wash the dishes. Nope. It is too grandiose for that, isn’t it? It is a self-admiring machine that never offers the hoped-for reflection in the Magic Mirror of Life.

Christmas pudding, or figgy pudding, becomes foggy pudding while the ego is serving up holiday fare.

Tiny Tim drops in and the ego, momentarily, feels a pang of pain for someone other than itself. But since he, too, is just a piece of fiction, the ego doesn’t focus on anyone else for very long.

This is how we all live our brief candles of life. The flame is almost out and the wax is puddling around the holder, but the ego believes in yesterday and tomorrow. It casts its net into the Sea of Sorrow to pluck out yet another piece of bathos. It is too late now for some of us to experience anything remotely new.

Christmas is coming and before we know it, it will be gone.

If we do one new thing this year, let us admit that we are hopeless cases and smash at least one mirror. It won’t be bad luck but good karma if we do!

Ho ho ho!

Vicki Woodyard


  1. I love your essay today. Speaking of mirrors; you reflect only truth…boldly and bluntly. It’s exactly what I and others need to hear. The ego doesn’t get called out near enough! Go Vicki! I’m down for smashing a mirror or two!

    Just glanced up and I see a beautiful, big eagle soaring low over the lake. The symbol of our nation and democracy…I hope he doesn’t fly away.

    Thanks dear Vicki for telling it like it is.


    1. Thanks, Tammy. One of my big dreams is worth telling. I dreamt that two eagles were flying across the sky and they went through an invisible barrier to “the other side.” There was a liquidity that allowed them to do this.


  2. Your essay and your response to Tami’s comment were very eye-opening. We NEED to have the revelation (over and over) that we are hopeless cases. It seems that as soon as we know it and admit that truth, we have the very needed peace drape over us. In the big dream you mentioned to Tami, we ourselves have gone through the invisible barrier. It’s only for the briefest of moments, but it eases the soul; and we have experienced “the other side.” Peace and love to you, Tami and all of your readers. Namaste.


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