The Work is Energy Work

Yesterday was lovely. Rob drove me to a checkup with my neurologist. I was early and so was he! That doesn’t happen very often. He cut out the drug that often causes memory loss and I appreciated that.

Rob and I then had a late afternoon lunch out. It is rare for me to eat out these days. We both had a burger and fries. I only ate half my burger and I was so full that I skipped dinner altogether.

The December blues are not as bad as they once were. This will be our eighteenth Christmas without Bob, so we have given up any and all expectations about what a Christmas should look and feel like.

I am not a holiday person anyway except for the food. I love sugary treats, but my A1C is a bit high, so I should only eat a minimum of them.

There may be a “reason for the season” as they say, but my season extends to all year ‘round. So no worries there.

The Work is energy work. It is about giving up negativity, which is only partially possible while we are in the body. Society gives no credence to authenticity; instead it runs on unreality and impossible expectations.

Once you see this, you must not stop there. Oh, no. The lack of authenticity lies within us and we must learn to be witnesses to negativity and not try to change it. Trying to change things only monkeys up the works.

No use pointing the finger at others; point to your very own ego as the root cause of your suffering. It will fight like hell to stay alive in you.

Today I am going to do some light housework broken by the heavy lifting of sitting silently, doing nothing. You know what they say, “that is how the grass grows, all by itself.” No mention of a Christmas tree at all!

Vicki Woodyard


  1. I’m getting a good vibe from your essay today Vicki. It feels calm, peaceful. Happy your appointment went well and that you enjoyed your lunch. I find limited outings (especially ones that involve food) can very much boost the spirit.

    Yrs, it’s all about energy work. Witnessing negativity is hard. I can feel my emotions run to anger or sadness or whatever and we must not hold on to those emotions. Feel them and move on. I had a negative encounter recently and I retold the story a couple of times. With each telling, I felt even angrier. I had to stop revisiting it. Hence, I’m not watching much news these days, lol. So saying then the opposite must be true…here’s to witnessing truth and peace!!

    As for Christmas trees; some may say they’re over rated. Ho ho ho!

    Namaste friend,


    1. Initially, we think we can gain control over our negative states, but this is a long way off! Witnessing our negativity is not negativity. Sleeping people at Christmas are so “Ho Ho Hum.” Giggle.


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