The Space of Grace

Yesterday was tense. I asked Rob to drive me to the Credit Union to see if they could fix my problem of not being able to get on my page there. I had been trying, with no success, to figure out what was going wrong.

So when we got there, we didn’t have to wait and the man helping us cleared up the problem quickly. And yes, when we got home, it didn’t work for me. Rob called the help line and was able to open the page, thank goodness.

These days I am more and more reliant on Rob when I get stuck. There was tension in the air, although it didn’t erupt into anything more. I go from zero to sixty these days when I am trying to do something and my hands shake like crazy.

Then we did some quick grocery shopping. He fixed the salmon I had bought and then he went to play Trivia with friends. I watched TV all evening.

This is not a spiritual essay, or is it? The way I look at it, everything we do is about failing to live up to the standard of “I am.” We forget who we are and thus fall from grace in one fell swoop.

It is only in retrospect that we see how we failed. Leonard Cohen told someone that the first thing he did in the morning was to see if he was in a state of grace. And if he wasn’t, he worked on getting there.

Yesterday I was not there and I fell into a dither.

I pray today will be better and it will be if I get into that magical space of grace.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. Everything we think, utter and do is in essence spiritual, even though we live in this harsh, material world. Wonderful advise from Leonard Cohen. I’ll check and see what condition my condition is in.To be in a state of grace is surely possible, although challenging and somewhat rare for me, maybe for most of us. I’ll give it my best try and I’ll say a prayer for both of us!

    I’m sorry about your tremors Vicki. And as for challenges; your stubborn will is certainly being put to the test in many different ways. Hang in there friend.

    To a better day!


  2. I think you are calmer and quieter today BECAUSE you are going to see your well-loved neurologist. He’s one of the angels in your life. I do relate with your difficulties with online banks, credit unions, etc. We may be thinking the worst immediately; and our emotions go haywire. As you do when you sit down and quiet yourself, try one or two or even three slow breaths right when you realize you’re not in the best of states. As Tami wrote, “Hang in there, Friend” Your circle of readers want calmness and joy for you!!! Namaste.


    1. I found it! Somehow it was in my inbox but quite a bit lower than usual. Now for the answer: Yes, he is an angel in my life, for sure. As are you, dear Ruth <3


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