“The only one messin’ with you is you!”~ Jack Kerouac
I love the above quote. Hard to disagree with that and even harder to agree with it. No one ever said that life should be mess-free, did it?
I am such a solitary soul that even a minimum amount of socializing wears me out. Recuperation in the silence allows a cloak of peace to fall around me.
The August morning has a haze enveloping it. Our planet groans with the weight of the people that inhabit it lately. Its people are poisoning the air they breathe and the water they drink. And to top it all off, I am messin’ with myself.
How do I mess with myself? Let me count the ways. For starters, guilt is an acid rain on my soul, all of the “shoulda, coulda, woulda’s” pelting me with hail. As Jesus told the disciples, “My grace is sufficient.”
Anxiety is perhaps my deadliest mess, for it attacks the adrenal glands and puts them in overdrive. As I get older, it lessens along with my ability to handle it. I just sit quietly in an anxiety-free zone (my recliner or club chair in the great room.)
Nothing can touch my true nature and my ego cannot get its grubby little hands on it.
The truest thing about me is the same thing that is the truest about you. We are not stuck with ourselves, but accompanied by ourselves. We are disciples of the Christ Consciousness within.
It is good for the mind to sit at the feet of the Master. Shhhhhh….
A benediction of peace penetrates my very anxious nature and says “Peace, be still.”
All is well.
Vicki Woodyard
Oh dear Vicki,
I very much needed to read this today. My anxious nature is driving me batty lately! I need to just leave myself alone and quit checking to see what condition my condition is in. That sneaky little ego is getting pretty pushy and “I Am” getting lazy, tired, weak? “I” can’t do it anymore, I never could… Need Christ kryptonite…faith, trust.
Thanks Vicki. I now have a small agenda this afternoon. Shhhhhh☮😑,
You speak for us all! Nothing but nuts everywhere you look, inside and out!
This note hits home, Vicki. Write on, my friend, write on.