The Truth with a capital “T”….

Vernon Howard was a teacher of truth with a capital “T.” Without it, our nation cannot stand. Sadly, since the attack of the Capitol on January 6, 2020, it has been teetering on the brink. Why? For me, it is clear that Donald J. Trump is the sole reason for the attack. It was he that created the slogan, “Stop the Steal.” It was he who has lied to the people for decades. So far, he has gotten away with it.

I know otherwise sane people that still follow him. They are mostly those without a clear sense of the truth and lies proliferate around Trump followers (and he, if not the Father of Lies, seems to have a connection with him.)

The Republicans are still running on Trump as their platform. Sadly, many uneducated people are sucked into the grift. Trump enjoys grifting; it gives him something to do besides lying in his tanning bed. Every time he sees a chance in the offing, he grifts his followers into giving him more of their hard-earned money.

I look forward to when he is indicted and sentenced. There will be nothing but rejoicing on that day.

Vicki Woodyard

This essay came after watching the Capitol Police officers give their testimony on how their lives were damaged forever by the deadly assault on the Capitol.


  1. Vicki,
    I fervently pray that the day of rejoicing comes. If it goes the other way and the liar gets away with ALL his evil deeds…the worst of times will certainly be upon us. WE (America) may ceast to exist. Currently our democracy is falling away. Trump’s cult followers have quite possibly sold their souls and the political leaders who mimic his lies for their own gain, must be held accountable with justice served too.. I watched today also and the truth is being spoken, but possiblely even the truth won’t save us (US). Certain people aren’t tuned to hear the truth. I know I sound so negative and hopeless, it is what I feel.

    If there is but a feeble ray of hope…🙏

    Thank you V,


    1. I hate to say it, but the American people have had many chances to educate themselves about how coups happen and what an evil man Trump is. The Jan 6th event was an attempted coup and the Republican Party looked the other way. Leonard Cohen saw this coming: “You won’t like what comes after America.” I hope I am quoting that correctly. It is NOT pessimistic to see the truth clearly! Not only is Trump responsible but also all of the underground militia groups which do not represent America. People love to be conned (sigh). I have no interest in trying to convert a ReTrumplican; they are useless and will fall under anyone’s control.


  2. Ha😁, ReTrumplicans!! Good one👍. Trump’s “congregation” seemes to be filled with hate like their messiah on top of the fact that they love a spectacle, celebrity, a big top extravaganza, a clown.

    And I agree Vicki, definitely an attempted coup performed on live television…a violent assault on democracy. Welcome to our nightmare.


    1. I didn’t coin that phrase! This is going to be a continued ongoing assault against democracy. And the fact that they are the unvaccinated plus being the undemocratic makes them even more dangerous.


  3. Oh yes, that’s right…the unvaccinated! The divide has widened now to the extreme. Sadly and frightenly you are 1,000% correct.


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