The Cloudless Sky

I know who I am writing to and why they are so few in number. Some days I try to up and quit the whole enterprise, but most of the time I just hang in as long as I can.

I know my readers like the palm of my hand and they know me. Behind us a mighty but quiet force is moving to our inevitable end. A long stay was never guaranteed.

Time hangs heavy on me these days. The house is clean enough and there is food aplenty. Many cannot say that.

I follow the political news and it is an ugly, ugly scene. The peace we seek is not there where one side fights against the other and lies run rife.

I look in the mirror and see someone growing old and uncertain about her future. It doesn’t lie in either opposite.

Life on earth is being banged around from one crisis to another. The one with the biggest microphone wins.

The wings we wear are tattered but necessary. We unfold them gently, silence our minds and peace arrives right on schedule. Without the wings we couldn’t return home, if only momentarily.

If you have finished your studies, you are ripe for real enlightenment because now you know where to look for it. Real enlightenment is not the opposite of fake enlightenment. It is the eternally cloudless sky of the heart.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. “Where the heart is!” This was a beautiful essay — with both hard truths and the poetry of rich imagery.


  2. Well wow Vicki,
    I became teary and emotional reading this essay, especially the last sentence. Seemingly effortlessly, these magic words flow from you to us. I can see your heart dear Vicki and that very much enables me to see mine more clearly.

    “There is no death. Only a change of worlds.”
    ~Chief Seattle, Suquamish~


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