One with the Self

I sit alone pondering how the world is falling into the hands of evil forces. I can do nothing about this without higher help, for lower help is what is destroying the world. This world is in flame and flood and you must admit that you are part of the destruction. You thought that politics was fair and that if you voted for the right candidate, things would get better. No! Politicians have been bought and sold long ago.

You prayed that good people could save the earth from global warming; you even said so. Now. It is not a question of “if” but “when” the earth will die at the hands of its own inhabitants.

This is not the time for cynicism but for clear seeing of what goes on in the minds of most people. I know this for I, too, am a human being breathing noxious gases and eating food in which the nourishment has been removed.

This is not the time to quit praying that things can turn around, even when it is too late for that to happen. Pray without ceasing and witness without fear. The line has been broken and the forces of evil are everywhere.

This is how the psalmists wrote; this is how they felt centuries ago. Only higher good can save us and even then there will continue to be massive suffering. Pollyanna thinking must go.

Then what can good men and women do? They can wait on God and pray without ceasing. Everything else will continue to bind you to the earth. Billionaires are rocketing into outer space while bilking millions of their customers. If you think you can save this world, dream on!

I have been watching my own behavior for decades and also watching the world get sicker and sicker. The disciples understood this, as one said words to this effect: The good that I would do I am not able to do. Meditate on this. Calm down and concentrate on higher energies latent within you. Pray for them to become stronger than your current weakness. Pray to be one with the Self that you are. Healing is possible but only for the individual.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. It’s going to take an executive order…a command directly from God directly to humans. I’ve always believed that. Throughout my life, I have witnessed the downfall of humanity and the destruction of our home, but no one knows the time when salvation may come. No Pollyanna.

    Here’s to peace and prayer.


    1. Yes, anyone who has studied the world has also studied the Self and vice versa. Many years ago I was given a prophetic dream where I was in a purple/yellow mountain
      where an Indian said, “There will be years of rain, followed by an Ice Age.” The years of rain have started. I know about Lori Toye who wrote a book called “I
      Am America.” She said that parts of the US will be underwater and uninhabitable. Interestingly, for a while she lived in Payson, AZ. Vernon’s group was just a few
      dozen miles up the road on the Mogollan rim, a place that will remain above water.

      It is too late to change anything; it has always been too late for human beings to avert the will of God.


  2. We must take the situations surrounding us very seriously — just as you did with this essay. There have been no improvements for so many years —- only downward and downward. People feel they have the right to fight you (even declare wanting to kill you) for not thinking the same as they do and for not being the “same.” As you wrote in a previous essay, we have our individual work to do. We can only do the work by being one with our one true Self. Paraphrasing you from a few essays back, “It is only God that can do.” We pray to God; and we rely on God and only God. Thank you for your highly relevant and loving messages, Vicki.


    1. Ruth, it is good we can find fellowship with those of like minds. I deeply appreciate you and others that are receptive to what I write. Everything that Christ said is true today and yet few believe that there is no hope for the masses.


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