A Different Kind of Life

I am off to see the dentist for the third time. The first was to put in a new filling in an incisor because the old one was leaking. But I noticed when the novocaine wore off that my bite felt strange. I went back to see him for a second time last week. He tested my bite again and again and made some adjustments. He said, “Give it a few days.”

The bite is just not working; I can’t chew on the right side of my mouth, so I am off to see him for the third time. I am not sure he can fix it. This leads me to the subject of this essay: What do do when you can’t fix things?

If my life could be fixed, it would be a different kind of life, for sure. I would have a circle of friends that gave me true support and I them. However, I entered the true Way decades ago and there is a law that we must enter one at a time.

Let this knowledge sink in; You cannot go to God in groups! I always found the church to be boring and hypocritical. The only good thing may have been the food, but I left that kind of membership years ago.

My dreams have spoken to me when I was vitally in need of guidance. There was Vernon Howard, who yelled at us not to blame the con man,for we are the ones conning ourselves!

A yogi with a new book out met Bob and I at a bookstore. We chatted when suddenly she said, “You better be at the bus stop or it is going to go on without you.” And I said, “How did you know about the bus?” Her answer was that the night before she had a vision of a large silver bus and heard a voice saying, “She better be at the bus stop or it is going to go on without her.”

I told her that Vernon Howard’s last talk had been about a young woman getting on a bus that would carry her alone to her home town. On the basis of that remarkable incident, we drove to visit the yogi again at her home. She was sure that her vision was correct and in my heart I knew it, too.

I tell this story again and again and today seemed to be one of those times to repeat it. Let me ask you this: Are you sure your visions are correct? My insight is that they always are and it is our job to trust them. Oh, and one more thing. We are always asleep at the wheel….

Vicki WoodyardA


  1. Journeying alone to her home town….I wonder if this is the core meaning of your story. And it is wonderful story. I believe and trust my strange encounters, visions and dreams, although the meanings sometimes are not clear.

    And yes Vicki, I think we are on auto pilot.

    Hope your bite gets back to normal. I had a dental issue just last week…broken molar. Arg🤨

    Peace V,


    1. My bite is much better now. He said he had to take it slow or my teeth would shift. We are two peas in a pod, at least dental-wise.


  2. “You can’t go to God in groups.” I like that line. It’s taken me a lifetime to learn the truth of the matter. Reading it here and now, finally the penny dropped. I guess I knew it but didn’t at the same time. Hopefully now it will stick.


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