Disturbing News

Had disturbing news yesterday. My younger brother was taken to the hospital by EMS after his daughter, who is a nurse, found him with a high glucose level, low blood pressure and nausea. At the ER, they pronounced him septic and put him on antibiotics, anti-nausea meds, etc. I haven’t had any word from her today.

His name is Jim, if anyone cares to send prayers. I told my sister Laurie that I had been rereading parts of a Lester Levensen book called “Keys to the Ultimate Freedom.” I shared this with her:

From Lester: “It is the doorway to the infinite when you go inward. When you go outward, it is the doorway to the limited.”

My brother and I have been emailing regularly for almost 3 years. At that time, his health was tenuous, to say the least. He has had bypass surgery and is severely diabetic. About 3 weeks ago he said he had broken his glasses and couldn’t email me until he got new ones.

I found a picture of us today on our front walkway on our little red brick house. He is wearing underpants and I have on a top made from a bandana and a pair of shorts. He was about 3 and I was about six. We look a bit different now.

He knows that I can’t travel anymore and he has not had any desire to do so, either, so our emails have sufficed and have been a wonderful healer for me. As I put it to Rob, Jimmy gave me my childhood back….and that’s not chopped liver 🙂

Vicki Woodyard


  1. Oh the brothers in our lives. Definitely sending prayers for Jim.🙏 And I’ll say a little prayer for you Vicki.🙏


  2. I will pray for your beloved brother Jim. Also a prayer for you Dear Vicki. What a strange journey this is. Hold onto the heart💜🙏


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