An Inkling….

I was thinking about my family today. As a child I accepted everything that I was told and since I was good by nature, I had no trouble with my family. As I sat and thought about family this morning, I realized all the lies that had been told about different family members. They were social lies, which all families tell. Things like unwanted pregnancies or marriages made in hell rather than heaven, to speak in metaphors.

Vernon Howard taught that knowing the truth is paramount; this I hear but cannot entirely follow. Society is based on social lies that originate in families. The Trump family created Donald Trump and it is clear that he had been told lies as well.

As adults we are either drawn to the truth or we are not. Those who are are in the minority, although society would tell you otherwise. Society has a dark underbelly of sin and corruption of our original natures. That is why jails are built.

I took to esotericism like a duck takes to water. I make no claim of being good; my social veneer is as full of lies as the next person’s. But here sitting on the lap of God, I become a child again. That child loved her family and accepted all that was told about the world.

But in junior high I was struck dumb by my agoraphobia and then my life was totally fear-based. This allowed truth into my otherwise dark life. I inhaled gulps of truth when I wasn’t having a full-blown panic attack. Family was no help to me in this and society didn’t even have a word for it yet.

Now I have grown old in the truth and am regaining my innocence. As I write, I imagine angels gathering around me and cheering me on. Writing is important to me; it keeps my vital energy supplied with creative juices.

I can look back on how I loved my family in spite of all their failures. I have had failures of my own and I stand in need of forgiveness as well. Society is a crutch that some of us are lucky enough to throw away and stand in the full light of day. We are going alone back to the All One and the journey begins with the first step, the first inkling that we were once pure and can be again.

Vicki Woodyard

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