The Light of Day

Thanks to Donald Trump, America is losing its core values. Lying and cheating are winning in his party as they pledge fealty to him.

This has happened before, right before dictators sealed their success over having told the big lie.

Of course, truth always wins in the heart and so those of us who see through the big lie are sickened by their seeming success. But what have they won?

I keep thinking that Trump will be indicted for his causing the insurrection, but hope dims as the days go by.

He doesn’t care about principles, for he has none. His base are ignorant and violent; they proved that on January 6th.

As I type this, I know that I could be penalized for writing the truth. That is how bad it is, and how much worse it is going to get.

Goodness and love of one’s fellow man swallowed up in one man’s evil dictatorship? Hitler in new clothing? If it wins, that is what will happen in the Republican Party.

White supremacy is their platform and ignorance fuels the engine that may burn down everything America used to stand for.

My God help the United States of America. A good man is in charge, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that things will change. The Right are gearing up for something so evil that words cannot portray it. It is time to retreat to the caverns of the heart. Leonard Cohen said these ominous words, “You won’t like what comes after America.” May God help us all.


  1. I agree with all you are saying in today’s essay. You can feel the absolute viciousness and power hunger emanating from evil words and evil actions. If you don’t want to be a part of it; your heightened longing for peace and goodness can be your strongest impetus yet to returning to your true home. As you often write, sit in the Silence. Peace and Love IS.


  2. Trumps ex wife said the only book she ever saw Donald read is “Mein Kampf”. He had a copy lying next to his bed. It does not get more obvious then that where this man’s consciousness is at. He and his cronies are operating from pure Evil. Those with eyes can see. The level of denial in this country is beyond understanding. As you said, we must stay in the truth in the heart.💜May peace prevail on earth🌎


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