He Leadeth Me

It is storming this morning and I quite like it. Last night I had trouble sleeping. When I got up and looked in the mirror, I saw my hair standing on end from having tossed and turned so much. Spring rains are welcome. I want to have Rob dig up some Lenten Roses and replant them along the front side of the house. I already have some there, but there is a gap that needs to be filled.

The Lenten Roses are there due to Shelley Smith saying that she planted them at her house because the deer would not eat them. I loved the name and the fact that they are perennials.

It was Shelley that told me to be at the bus stop or it would go on without me. As far as I can tell, I remain an itinerant that spots the bus occasionally and reluctantly gets on. By that, I mean my ego never wants to actually live the teachings. No ego ever does.

Living the teachings cannot be done by the ego, but it is very good at faking it. In society, no one dares tell the truth or they would be branded dangerous. It is far easier to hide out and hope that God won’t find you. Thankfully, we get the occasional message that we better get in line with truth, or else!

Getting in line with truth is quite a strenuous endeavor. Loving God more than family requires a deep understanding of what that implies. We love family while forgetting God. To see this is an opening of the inner eye.

All of the teachings are energetic commands. “Be still and know that I am God.” Yes, yes, yes. After the agreement to be still and know, the blessing automatically comes down from the higher level of our minds. God is not a vague philosophy but the very ground of our being. When it gets soaked with the rain of His blessings, roses will bloom in our soul’s garden. Of course, we have to take the thorns as well.

We just have to keep trying to wake up from our state of sleep; God does the rest. “He leadeth me,” as the old hymn goes, “He leadeth me.”

Vicki Woodyard

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