The first thing to do in the morning is to remember your true nature. This Self is not about doing but being. Let go of your jumpy self-protecting thoughts and sit in silence. Thoughts will arise and fall away as you cease to feed them.
The false nature is your ego; it is your failure to remember who you truly are. There isn’t any guilt in this, because guilt is part of your false self.
Here is something to remember:
There is no connection between your ego and your soul! You are either conscious or unconscious, and most of the time you are the latter.
Now that you know what the problem is, you can begin to become the solution to it.
I always use myself as an example. I have been studying truth for ages and I still let my false self cast deep shadows of fear and guilt across my day. Here is where another distinction must be made: The false self is made up of thought and the true self is pure silence. There is no bridge between the two; a leap must be made.
The leap is the second birth that Jesus speaks of. Anyone can make it at any time and the leap has no labels. Just jump!
There is no real abyss down below; there is only the power and the presence of God within you.
Keep it simple. Disconnect from thought. Jump away from it. The leap and the landing happen simultaneously.
Now you understand everything that everything that Jesus said applies to you right now.
The kingdom of heaven is yours.
Vicki Woodyard
You were clicking on all cylinders this morning, Vicki. Very helpful words. I will endeavor to take them to heart.
The information is always here; yet we continually go to sleep again and continue to suffer mechanically.
The information is always here; yet we continually go to sleep again and continue to suffer mechanically.