A Pebble in the Pond

“Dear Vicki,

You sometimes drop a pebble into the pond at just the right moment. Now and then, I find myself drowning in the suffering of the world, thinking that it’s mine. Thank you for this lifeline, this reminder.”


The truth continually has to be revisited by anyone trying to wake up. Being awake is very hard on the ego, as it is heavily invested in winning. The ego is always running scared of being found out. Vernon Howard said, “Get found out!”

So what happens after you have seen through the illusion of your own power? Generally, what happens is that the ego doubles down and tries even harder. When told to let go and let God, it’s clammy little hand resists even more. That is why we work on ourselves every day.

The story of the soul is still going on and so is the ego. The former is real and the latter is false. A lot of my writing is repetitive because spiritual lessons are slowly learned.

My life is weighted down with unnecessary suffering, believe me. I turn to the New Testament to set myself straight again. I sit quietly with the Bible on my lap and wait for the burden to be lifted from my shoulders by its words.

I am not real. You are not real. They are not real. It is all wrong and nothing is right as long as we think that we must believe in an unredeemed world.

We must turn everything over to God. Only then will we know the truth. So what is the truth? We are the Christ Consciousness hidden in every man and woman. We are the world. We are the redeemer of our own consciousness. Let there be light.

As J. C. Wrote, “I find myself drowning in the suffering of the word, thinking that it’s mine.” We are all doing that, egged on by a media that profits from human suffering. But we are not headlines, we are living bearers of light if we choose to wake up. And so it goes. God’s kingdom versus the world of man. The choice is ours as to which to follow.

Vicki Woodyard

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