The Jesus Prayer, as it is called, has been around for hundred of years. In the early days, prayers were learned from memory; few people had books on spirituality available. (They were probably better off.)
“Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner.”
You sit and repeat the prayer as many times as you are called to do. As you say it, you pray it. And it allows you to lay your burdens down. The prayer, kept going, is total protection against the madness of your mind.
It is your mind in which the madness dwells and the prayer allows you to let go of trying to think your way out of your various life situations that distress you.
As I type, the prayer is in my fingers. As I breathe, the prayer is in my inhale and exhale. I slow down.
Whatever problems you are having, and we all have many, work this prayer into your morning at first.
Then go about your business.
I have found that it has taken up residence in my heart and it is easy now for me to drop down in it.
Modern life is killing us and we are not even bothering to object to our minds being carried off by lurid politics.
The virus is still on the planet, currently ravaging India. But most of all, it is how we react to life that is the problem.
Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner.
Vicki Woodyard
Thanks for this reminder Vicki. It is a helpful/ meaningful prayer. A way to pray without ceasing.
Sometimes, since it is in the same rhythm, I will say, “Breathing in, I know that I am breathing in. Breathing out, I know that I am breathing out.” Keep it up for a minute or two.