When words won’t come, I know the essay is heading into the Mystery. All of us live and move and have our being in it; we just don’t call it that. We say we don’t know when we actually think that we know. No, you don’t know! If you knew, you would no longer be you.
So my fingers shake at the keyboard (I actually typed “bard.” That is funny, isn’t it? A bard is someone that communicates the mystery in words or music. Now this is truly getting weird….
We are all drowning in the Mystery. If we could just stop struggling, things would go so much easier. For God is watching us ignore all of His Words and instead use sign language of our own invention.
To overcome the world, we are trying to think our way out, wear designer clothing and drive expensive cars. God is giggling.
If you are still reading, congratulations. You know how idiotic your attempts at success are. You know your fear and trembling before the world. You feel your righteous indignation when someone gets more attention than you do.
Big sigh. Breathe with me now. It doesn’t have to be so hard, sayeth the Bard.
Seriously, it is time to march to a different drummer, one that is the Maker of Music.
This Monday morning is the perfect time to get in tune with the mystery and let it unfold as it must.
You have no free will. You are given a mind and body to use for a while. That is such a scary thought that you will avoid it entirely. Sad, because you are held by a Higher Power than your mind.
Let yourself drown in God. Become a vessel of light. Be who you are meant to be, a glorious explosion of joy. This joy is quiet and hidden. It knows nothing happens until it is destined to happen. It knows that all is well. Selah.
Vicki Woodyard
Ah, Selah! Amen! Towards the Mystery! Music, as someone said, the world would be a mistake without it. I’m thinking of some songs I love, recently heard: Marshall Chapman’s version of He’s Got The Whole World In His Hands, Paul Harrington’s Why Work, and Peter Gabriel’s Book Of Love.
I’m reading Walter Lanyon’s Eyes Of The Blind, (along with your Edge of Enlightenment). Ever heard of his work?
Thank you for yours!
Leonard Cohen is mystic music for me. Haven’t heard of Lanyon, will check him out.