The Entry Point

Wherever you are is the entry point.

These days life goes slowly and so do I. Yesterday I had an appointment to get a leaking cavity replaced at the dentist. The appointment was at noon, so I knew I was probably being worked in before the dentist went for lunch. Not surprisingly, it was 12:30 before I sat down in the dental chair and then I had to wait another fifteen minutes. His nurse said they were one person short on the staff today and that the dentist was finishing up with another work-in patient. He gave me novocaine and begin to drill, but I felt pain, so he had to stop and give me more. When I left, it was almost two o’clock.

My mouth was numb for hours, so I ended up eating soup for supper. Then I watched TV until bedtime. This morning it was about 10:30 when I woke up feeling groggy. I had a long dream in which my late husband told me he was leaving me for a woman at work. (The common dream theme again.)

I told my neighbors and they were horrified. I told his brother and wife and they were equally shocked. I ended up being in their wedding, a home one, that went on forever. When I woke up, I realized that my subconscious was still looking for reasons why I had been abandoned.

We are all abandoned here on earth, whether we know it or not. Being in a state of sleep is to feel abandoned. There is no work-around; we must wake up and enter a higher state of consciousness. In it, you re-enter the Father’s House and there are no comings or goings. This sounds too simple for the ego and it struggles against the rules of the House.

Most people are ruthlessly going about their own lives as if they owned them. Sadly, our country is heading for trouble as long as the Republicans have forgotten that freedom is for all, not just for them. They stormed the Capitol and will rebel in ugly ways for a long time to come.

Whatever they do, we must continue to struggle to awaken so that God’s promises might be fulfilled in us. They sound so simplistic to the “woke” ego that they are disdained. Everyone wants justice for themselves but none for their fellow man.

Sigh. Today is Saturday and I shall do nothing much but a bit of housework. Then I shall retreat within, to find the promises being fulfilled in me as always. Being still and knowing is not for sissies!

Vicki Woodyard


  1. Vicki,
    I will have to come back at some point to re-read this post…I can’t concentrate. Thursday afternoon my beloved brother unexpectedly passed away (sudden heart attack). I am devastated and heartbroken. I’m as well as can be expected. Our parents are long gone so my other two siblings and I have been busy putting together funeral arrangements. So many memories of him since I’ve been born (he was 66 and I’m 63). Suddenly a memory will pop into my head and the tears well up. I know in time the memories will bring a smile instead.
    I may not be checking in with you (or any social media) for a while, but I will return at some point. I know I will need to reconnect to your experience and wisdoms. You have been a light for me. Thank you dear Vicki.


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