MSM is Dead! (Mainstream Media)

I was listening to someone on YouTube talk about mainstream media being dead and I thought, wait just a second, I see where he is going with that. I have two hands pecking out original material at this Mac and a fair number of people are reading me. Why is that? I would posit a guess that you like my mind-set, wit and honesty. And you know I am not into online discussion groups about non-duality. I tried that and it didn’t work for me. Why? Because it was male-dominated, like so much business news is. And I write about day-to-day spirituality from a female point of view. Men read me, too, but I can only write from my own experience.

I hoped to become a humorist until my second child, the baby in the family, died of a pediatric cancer. Scratch the idea of me being funny. So I went deep into spirituality looking for answers and came up with my own ideas. When you have been hurled into the dark long enough, it begins to dawn on you that YOU are the answer.

Now I having written thousands of essays, none of which fit any certain mold. I am not a church-goer, although I grew up in the Bible Belt. Today finds me fascinated with esoteric Christianity. All that means is that Jesus, speaking in parables, is still speaking today. His audience is not a congregation but a heart broken so badly that it screams loudly, “God help me!” And so I was led to Vernon Howard.

After Vernon Howard came a Peruvian shaman who looked into my soul and healed me within the space of an hour. That cannot be explained; it can only be gratefully accepted.

If you are still reading this, you are reading from today’s way—just logging on and picking something at random to entertain you momentarily. I don’t mind that at all. I am down here on earth doin’ time just like you. Pass the cake—the piece with the file in it!


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