If you are not in a quandary, you are just not paying attention. ~ Vicki Woodyard
Life is lived between the opposites and if you are not in a quandary, you are just not paying attention. I am going to get a haircut today. The appointment is later than usual so Rob can take me. I let my driver’s license expire and am not ready to make a trip to the DMV just yet.
I have lost a few pounds, thanks to giving up coffee. With every cup of coffee, came something sweet to offset the coffee. Now I am drinking tea and eating less.
I realize that this weight will be gained back, but for now I am enjoying the loss. Just as I know that my hair will grow back on schedule. If I should happen to get an exceptional haircut, I will hope to get one just as good next time. But next time, things will be different.
I know that Prince Harry was in a quandary when he left the Royal Family. Surely he felt grief for his grandfather and also grief that his son will never be a royal.
I know that Joe Biden is in a quandary when he seemingly lets the former guy off of his radar. And the former guy, well, I am not sure he is emotionally intelligent enough to be in a quandary!
Quandaries arise because we live between the opposites instead of consciously rising above them. Jesus did not know quandary as he hung on the cross. No, instead he told the two thieves hanging next to him on their own respective crosses that “this day thou shalt be with me in paradise.”
When our lives rise above the opposites, no quandaries will arise. But for now, just notice how often you are caught between what you want to do and what you actually do.
I am off to get a hair cut. Bye….
Vicki Woodyard
I’m tired of my quandaries. The older I get the more I have the attitude of, “whatever happens happens.” Or, “it is what it is.” “It will all work out how it’s suppose to.” Okay, yep, will it?
I think that is called faith!