I am not someone trying to be enlightened. That is the first sentence in this essay that I am eager to pound out.
How do I know that I am not someone trying to be enlightened? Because I am enlightenment itself! Oh, such liberation is found in those five words. I am enlightenment itself; how could it be otherwise? I am part and parcel of the freedom that belongs to every man and woman on the planet. While in mental and emotional chains, you are still enlightenment itself. There is no more need to try until you are blue in the face.
You have read all of the books, said all of the prayers and practiced looking pious, when there was no need for any of it. Enlightenment is your birthright.
During all of the times you fainted in weariness, ran out of platitudes and fell to the ground in emotional exhaustion, you remained enlightened. How could it be otherwise?
My personal story is one of grief stretching out over decades. I never lost faith in God; I was just yet to learn that there is no God outside of me that is not inside of me.
I have given away most of my books, have stopped listening to others speak of their enlightenment and turned my back on trying harder. I was always iffy about my status as a child of God. I knew I was a sinner; that was easy to see. Now it is just as easy to see that I have risen above that definition of who I am.
So stop your trying, dear fellow sojourners. Sit down and rest your weary soul and proclaim enlightenment for yourself. I blame the internet for most of what passes as “enlightenment teachings.” Sigh. We can just kick off our shoes and have a good laugh over the whole mess.
Yes, I will forget again and think that I must try and become someone who is enlightened. Maybe you will be so kind as to remind me as I have just reminded you. Say it with me now, “I am enlightenment itself.” Feels good, doesn’t it?
Vicki Woodyard
I have to write it (and say it to myself over and over) — “I am enlightenment itself!” It feels strange yet — to be totally honest. However, I do sense the truth of it. The belief shall grow. Help my unbelief, dear God. Thank you, Vicki — you are enlightenment itself!
We are also paradox itself; it is good to laugh instead of cry.