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I got my second covid shot yesterday. I was prepared to feel bad when I woke up this morning, but I didn’t, thank goodness. They say that older people have more immunity than younger ones, so this is one case where being old is to my advantage.

I have to find a way to stop listening so much to political news because the Republicans are so dangerous to democracy. Our country is in ongoing peril from them. Right now they are trying to pass measures to keep people from voting.

I stress ate all day yesterday and gained a pound. Now today I have to be strict with myself. I have never had to buy a bigger clothing size and don’t plan to start now! I weigh just a little more than when I was younger; now it is pooled around my middle. Ugh.

Part of the reason is that neuropathy keeps me from exercising. I am not going to physical therapy until I can go without a mask. Oh, and yesterday I looked at my driver’s license and it has expired. I have just driven half a dozen times since the pandemic started.

This has been a purely personal note, nothing spiritual about it. Some days are like that. I am just being lazy today due to the rain and the covid shot. I have a lovely new book I am reading and that will help pass some of the time. The Pages edition keeps changing words I write into other words. It refuses to write “covid” and substitutes “cover.” Then I have to go back and change it. I am arguing with a word processing document. Great! It is supposed to help people write correctly, but I find that it just monkeys up the works.

If I come up with anything interesting today, I will put it in a new essay tomorrow. Otherwise, call this six paragraphs wasted. Giggle. (It wouldn’t be the first time.)


  1. I appreciate this sharing from you Vicki. Then I don’t feel so alone. I guess we all have our „ups & downs“. Can’t be insightful or profound all the time. Love, Bill


    1. You are right, Bill. My job as a writer is to write about spirituality, but also about how I fall down and have to get back up repeatedly. Hence the old joke where a novice tells the guru that he has fallen. The first time, the guru is polite and says to just get back up. After the ninth time, the guru says, “Next time you fall, just get back up.” And that is the path in a nutshell. I just ate a grilled cheese sandwich and had a nice cup of tea with it. I plucked two Hershey Kisses from the bag, thinking that I had enough will power to stop at two. No, I ended up eating four. That’s life!


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