Illumination cannot be controlled; it is something that happens in spite of the ego’s need to be in control. Not only that, reading about it leads many people to think they must pursue it.
Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.” These two words, “I am” can be said mechanically or consciously. He said it consciously.
It is best to live one’s life simply and deeply. In that way, the desire for enlightenment is not a goal but an inspiration. It is the ego that pursues goals.
Most of us are stuck in a rut of our own making. We are not waiting consciously. “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31
I have been studying and writing on the subject of self-realization for a long time now. I have made little, if any, progress. Saying something is easy; living it is impossible.
The persona is our shield against a cruel world. Jesus did not have one. Society despises purity and would deny it
We can throw out our books and ideas that we can become good people. Good people are not what Jesus was looking for. He was looking for those that would follow him. The ego simply cannot follow truth.
To speak personally, which I feel is a valuable part of my writing, Vicki is still afraid and lost in her head. But the Christ consciousness has her back. Having said that, she will still live a life of fear, only occasionally being lifted up.
We must forgive ourselves for making slow progress. One day, unexpectedly, we will rise up. And the ego will be seen for what it is, an illusion in a world of illusion. You cannot talk about this; it must be your inner hope as you walk on towards the light.
Vicki Woodyard