From My Email Box….

I wanted to post 4 emails from readers, as it helps me to go on when I get mail like this. They are all from men and I thank them very much for their input.

Dear Vicki,

I am writing to say how much I appreciated your blog, which I have read on and off the last few months; rather greedily I am afraid at times, perhaps like you with your chocolates. Some thing about your writing settles my soul, and when I read it I am relieved. I wonder if this is because I am hearing something close to the truth. In my own life I have been attracted to tough old teachers like Vernon Howard, but I am thinking I have missed some of the gentleness hidden in their words. I find some of that gentleness in your pieces, as well as real strength. I am reading and praying the psalms more these days. So may the Lord have mercy upon you and your son. And may he help me to stop and listen.

Best Wishes,
So enjoy your writing Vicky. Love the honesty and the lack of sugar-coating. Clear water poured into universal consciousness. Keep pouring.
J. W.
I resonate with your essays and your being Vicki. I find myself crying more for some reason. Sometimes even after one of your essays or videos. Not sure why. Maybe a recognition of some sort. Anyway your words are quite special indeed and are a pleasure to read. Let’s not forget they are sometimes very funny and who doesn’t need a laugh or 2 once in awhile.
Hi, you asked me to let you know what I thought (think)about your book. I have only just begun. I am on page 18. I thought I would write now and when I have finished.
Your writing style confused me a little as I began to read. Then I noticed that I liked it. It had grown on me. It is sparse but cuts clean to the bone. Truly, I have had my share of sadnesses but they are as nothing compared with yours. That you got through all that came at you and remained sane, let alone balanced, makes me interested to keep going in order to discover from whence came your inner strength and solidity. I have read Vernon and listened to his talks so I think I have an idea. I can hardly wait to keep reading and learning about you but also from you. I will write again when I have finished reading so thanks and goodby for now.
(The book he referenced is “Life With a Hole in It.”)


  1. R.W., J.W., E.R. and D.H. wrote you from their hearts. They were responding to your writings that are from your heart (your true Self). I can well understand that you appreciated their messages. Thank you, Gentlemen!
    Bless you, Vicki and each of your readers.


  2. Yes, Vicki, I too have enjoyed your work. And I appreciate the comments. I’m responding to ER, in that I find I’m weeping a lot more these days, God only knows why! Lots of reasons, perhaps – aging, frailty, sitting alone with nothing much to do anymore but think, read, take in all the global disasters?!
    My town was nearly destroyed by fires last summer, homeless camps line our highway, man’s horrific in humanities to each other, to Life – like in Yemen – flash across our awareness. How can we not cry?
    I just read one of Carolyn Myss prayers in her book Intimate conversations With The Divine, the one entitled How Can THIS Happen… ?! and I wonder…
    I just finished this amazing memoir, AND THERE WAS LIGHT, By Jacques Lusseyran. A review:
    “ Jacques Lusseyran was an extraordinary man for whom blindness and Buchenwald were gateways. This book is his testament to the joy which exists in all of us — a joy which ‘no conditions — not even the worst — can kill.’”

    It blew my mind, and I cry with wonder, and joy.


    1. I just ordered it! I love Anthony Doerr’s book, “All The Light You Cannot See.”It is a novel based on Lusseyran’s story.
      It is a beautiful book; you have to read it, Chris. You can get it used on amazon or at the library.


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