Slogging through the Mud

I met briefly with a very wise man; his actual name is Aristotle. He told me that there was too much hesitation in my life—that I needed to just let things happen. As we all know, the ego panics at the very thought of letting life happen. The ego is invested in profit and self-aggrandizement. It has ever been thus.

We don’t have to metaphorically re-invent the spiritual wheel. We do have to strap ourselves onto it as best we can.

I am growing old in the Work, but I am doing it alone. A few of you recognize that I speak and write the truth to the best of my ability. To do this, all I must do is flow, but I have a problem flowing with painful decisions, for example.

Patience is not my strong suit and that makes me impulsive. On the other hand, I have the necessary quietude to sit in the Presence off and on all day.

Yesterday I was woozy from my first Pfizer innoculation and I dread how the second one will make me feel. I am way too weak, having not gone to physical therapy since the social isolation began. Back then it was just neuropathy I was going for and now it is also for tremors. I look in the mirror and see a very strong healthy person. I am that, but I can only do simple household tasks and take short walks.

I do a set of exercises faithfully but they don’t address the weakness in my muscles. Rob has mentioned an exercise bike, so eventually I will go back to P.T. and ask them about how to keep my body in better shape.

The spirit is ageless and deathless. It looks out through my eyes and says nothing. It is the witness to the weakness as well as the strength that I have within me. Yesterday a neighbor driving home rolled down her car window to chat. She said that I am the only person that her dog wants to go over and see, that he is attracted to my energy. I like that, I like that a lot.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. Aristotle, eh! The “eh” is a trademarked Canadianism. Did you like him? You’re meeting with the great man puts me in mind of the Jungian technique of active imagination. Your soul is obviously filled with great men and women. I hope a benefit of reading your truthful work will re-awaken these wise ones who live in me. I have lost touch with them. Thank you for waking my soul to their wise presence once more. Keep up your good work, please.


    1. Actually, Dennis, this was a real man that I met in a nail salon a couple of years ago, believe it or not. He was from Viet Nam, orphaned and taken in by a French women. He eventually moved to the States. He was chatting with some clients who were waiting along with me and somehow the thread turned serious. As I was getting my nails dried, he came over and offered to meet me for coffee, where we could talk more about truth. He was working at the salon because he could communicate with the workers there. I found myself sitting with him at a local coffee shop and during the course of our chat, he told me that I needed to drop the opposites, in so many words, and let things happen by chance. I then had a dream about him. In it, he had a ferocious, prehistoric-looking animal that grabbed me by the arm and begin to squeeze me uncomfortably. I was told to say some nonsense words to him, thus engaging him consciously, and then he would release me. I did not see this Aristotle again, so I guess he delivered the message.

      There were two reasons that I met him. I felt he had something to say to me and my brother urged me, almost dared me to do it. This was not something I would do in my role as Vicki. My brother and I had just began to communicate again after long years of absence. He enjoyed me telling him all about the meeting. This Aristotle had suffered so much as a child that his true nature had awoken. He wanted to write a book and I think he may have thought I could help him, but it didn’t come up when we met at the coffee shop, only when we were chatting at the nail salon. He was getting ready to do more world travel; he said he worked at the salon until he had money enough to travel again.


  2. Alot of people are attracted to your energy Vicki, even though you’ve never met. I appreciate you because you tell the truth. I’m attracted to truth. Not gonna lie, the truth can be painful till I remember that it is what it is. I don’t have to do anything about it.
    Thanks again Vicki


    1. We are developing “a point in the Work.” That is the point, say the 51% mark, when we cannot go back to the world. It’s the Work or the World!


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