Inner Work

This morning I began to think about a question someone put to me, “How would you define inner work?”

I thought of the words of Jesus, which were said consciously, “My kingdom is not of this world.” “I have meat to eat ye know not of.” “Lo, I am with you always.”

It is good to ponder the words of Christ, to sit with them silently.

It is good to watch yourself caught up in self-criticism.

It is good to watch your thoughts and realize how negative they are.

It is good to see how much fear is in your body.

It is good to know how much you have hurt other people.

On and off throughout the day it is good to return home to your higher Self and sit in silence.

Jesus died conscious and the words of his in the Bible are conscious statements.

We can become conscious on and off all through the day. That is inner work. Each time we do that we are renewed.

Vicki Woodyard


  1. What an important vow we can make for ourselves — come awake, be conscious and be renewed. Even one moment with our higher Self is “returning home” as you wrote. Just like soldiers returning home after being in troubled areas around the globe, we feel great joy and such an uplifting of our being. They (we) were in foreign lands but now are home. The moment is brief, but it can stay in our memory and give us those warm, wonderful urges to be there once again.

    Thank you, Vicki, for your nudges to us to do our individual inner work. Namaste. Ruth


    1. I didn’t get an email notice of this comment. I just happened to see it, Ruth. If any of your other messages did not reach me, I am sorry. I still don’t know my way around WordPress. All you said is true!


  2. I read your book Bigger Than the Sky again after some years. Second time even stronger in effect. Subscribed to your Blog. Laid down for a nap and felt a kind of energetic connection with you. I felt like I was tasting my enlightenment. Strange.
    I am not a very esoteric kind of person. It was a strong and delightful experience.
    Today though the feeling is gone.
    Thank you for your sharing. It is beautiful and valuable.
    Bill 😍 🙏


    1. A synchronicity, as it were. I was thinking about what a powerful little book it is. Few bought it, but those that did love it. It is pure grace
      and you felt that, no doubt. I am older now and tonight I feel a bit depressed about my “ailments.” Peter would just say “Ho ho.” He had some
      Scottish blood and he sent me a bit of him playing T’is the Gift To Be Simple on his penny whistle. He was strikingly handsome, judging by the
      one photo he sent me. I need to take it down from the bookshelf and read a bit from it.

      As for the energetic connection, I think that is beginning to happen and I have no explanation for it.


  3. For me a great „unraveling“ seems to be happening. Peter was truly amazing. What a gift for you and me and whoever discovers your book. I appreciate your openness sharing about your ailments, I am also getting older (73) — it seems to be unavoidable. I look forward to reading your new Ebook. Love, Bill 🥰 ❣️


    1. I have Life With A Hole in It in ebook and 3 others on the website. When I talked to the shaman about BTS, he said that people would have to “discover it.” Glad you did.


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